9 Best Practices to Lose Weight

Many people are always looking for the best practices to lose weight. Burning fat does not have to be complicated. Actually, burning fat is a simple process. The hard part is adhering to a dieting plan. Discipline is required. You must consider your body type before adopting a dieting plan. There are various dieting plans for different types of bodies. Adopting any type of dieting plan may be a disaster. Begin by consulting a dietitian or health/fitness doctor.
Most methods of burning fat involve changing your diet. You can change your diet by cutting down your intake of calories, sodium and fat. This is a straightforward way of dealing with fat. The diet plans are simple and logical. As an example, instead of consuming carbon beverages, you can take water or fruit juice. Consumption of water can burn as much as 150 calories, while fruit juice can burn as much as 100 calories.
There are 9 best practices to lose weight, and these are:
First, you must learn to drink herbal drinks. Herbal teas are better than snacks and sweets. There are many types of herbal teas. Check your store for orange, almond and apple-cinnamon tea. You will be surprised but the aroma of tea is enough to make lose appetite for snacks. Tea not only gives you a feeling satiety, but it kills your cravings.
Second, you must avoid foods with high carbohydrates. High carbohydrate foods should be eliminated from your daily diet. These foods counteract the fat burning process. Meaning that all the fat you lost for the day will be restored at night if you eat carbohydrate foods.
Third, you must avoid taking alcohol. High amounts of useless calories are found in alcohol and these add nothing but more fat.
Fourth, motivation can help you eliminate fat. Reward yourself for working out and eliminating fat. Make it a goal and monitor your progress.
Fifth, you must find alternatives for high calorie foods. Find foods that taste almost the same but with low calories. For example, take fruit juice in place of soda. Baked chicken in place of fried chicken. Sub sandwiches in place of pizza.
Sixth, avoid starving yourself. Starving yourself creates a craving for delicious food that often contains high calories. It is better to eat little at a time.
Seventh, make it a habit to drink water everyday. Ideally, seven glasses a day is recommended. A glass of water before a meal is okay because it fills your stomach.
Eight, Remember to stick to your diet plan or training program. You must be consistent if you want to see good results.
Last, you must avoid checking your weight on a scale. Scales are not an accurate indicator of how much fat you lost. The fat you lose may be compensated by the build up of muscles, and the scale will not show this. It is better to check your girth. It is more reliable.
If you are a female or if you know a woman who is interested in losing weight, Briggs pants will help. These pants give a slimming look by conforming to you body fit. To read more about Briggs petite pants, visit the links.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_J._Howel

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