3 Stages of Fat Loss - Part 1

I remember back when I was in college, one of my professors gave me some advice that I still use today. It was a presentations class, and he told me that, whenever possible, try to break down the subject that you're trying to explain to your audience into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes it easier for them to understand what you are trying to say, and therefore should make it easier to remember and also put into practice.
On the topic of fat loss, which is one of my personal favorites (as you know), I would like to apply this same idea in order to help you when it comes to your own fat loss goals, and make them a reality.

So, here goes. My 3 stages of fat loss are:
1. Admission
2. Decision
3. Realization

This article will focus primarily on the first stage: Admission, however, I want to briefly explain all 3 stages of fat loss so you'll begin to see the whole picture and how this is going to work for you.

Admission is the point when you know that there is a problem with your weight, and you can openly admit that something must be done about it. In the 2nd stage, a decision is made to change yourself for the better, and, in the final stage, the end result of that stage 2 decision is the actual realization (with a lot of hard work) of a change for the better.

Now, if you are at stage 1 in this process, I want to congratulate you, because over 90 percent of people who should be at stage 1 never actually get there. Yup, most of them are in complete denial about their physical condition, and, unfortunately it sometimes takes a traumatic event, such as a heart attack or acquiring type 2 diabetes to get them to actually admit that they have a problem.
To help you get through the first of my 3 stages of fat loss, I want to give you some honest reasons for stepping up and making your admission:

• to have more energy no matter what you're doing
• to be able to run up a flight of stairs (or 6) and not be out of breath
• to live a longer, healthier life
• to be there for your family (your kids)
• to stop feeling sick all the time
• to finally stop taking all those prescription drugs
• to look forward to doing activities you enjoy
• to make new friends who will help and support you
• to have a fresh, positive outlook on the rest of your life
• to ________________ (insert your own personal reason here)

Now that you know "why" you must make your stage 1 admission, let's look at the steps you have to take to get you there and be ready for stage 2. Please remember that by making this admission, you have made it farther that the majority of people in your situation, therefore, I don't want you to be too hard on yourself. Being overweight and admitting that you want to change is not an easy thing. The first person you are going to make your admission to is, of course, the most important person in your life, yourself. Yes, I want you to stand in front of a mirror, take a good long look at yourself, hold your head up high and admit that you have a problem with food, and you want to change. If it helps, take a piece of paper and a pen and write your admission down before you tell it to yourself. In fact, try writing it down repeatedly so that it becomes a fixture in your memory. As you progress through the next stages, you should never lose sight of what brought you there.

Next, I want you to go to the person that you love the most in your life (after yourself) and make that same admission to them as well. Don't write them a letter, or email them, or text them. Stand right in front of them, look them square in the eyes and make your admission. This person could be your spouse, your child, your best friend or even your cat. In order to make a successful transition to the second two of the 3 stages of fat loss, social support from the other people in your life is an absolute must-have. Without it, you will not make it-trust me, I've been there, and I know.

Once you have officially made your admission to yourself and to at least one other person, you are ready to move on to the second stage of fat loss, the decision. My next article will teach you how to go about making that decision, and why it is, in my opinion, the most difficult of the 3 stages of fat loss. In the meantime, grab that pen and paper and get started on your admission. It doesn't have to be long or fancy, it just has to make sense to you, that's all that really matters.

Good luck.

My Name is Dale Bateman. For over 10 years, I've been helping ordinary people (like you and me) achieve their fat loss goals with my common sense approach to health and wellness. I truly believe that long term fat loss can only be mastered by incorporating what I call my three components of fat loss.

These are Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation. Without all three components, you are setting yourself up for failure. Each week, my blog features a brand new, original post dealing with one of these three components. Also, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter and free 5 week e-course, "5 S.T.E.P.S. to Losing Your First 5 Pounds."

So if you're looking for common sense strategies for losing fat and achieving optimal health and wellness, please visit my blog today: http://losethefatforlife.com
Thank you.
Dale Bateman
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dale_NM_Bateman

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